
High-Dimensional Advanced Imaging Core Facility

I13-Imaris 3D影像分析軟體

Imaris 3D State of the Art Image Visualisation and Analysis

Imaris 3D影像分析軟體

Imaris 3D/4D影像處理與分析軟體


Imaris 提供3D/4D 影像處理與量測, 是圖像定量分析的重要工具。可精確測量每個 Channel 多個物體的強度值 . 提取或刪除感興趣物體以及相關的定量參數 . 進行基於統計結果的排序和分類 . 在感興趣物體內任意位置添加多個點,可以得到他們之間的距離 . 基於 2D 的感興趣區域可以生成 3D 視圖,並同時得到 3D 測量結果




羅麗紋 博士


電話:02-7750-5554 或 02-7750-5556

Imaris 3D/4D Image Processing and Analysis Software

Imaris provides comprehensive 3D/4D image processing and measurement capabilities, making it an essential tool for quantitative image analysis. It allows precise measurement of the intensity values of multiple objects in each channel, extraction or deletion of objects of interest and their quantitative parameters, sorting and classification based on statistical results, and adding multiple points within objects of interest to obtain distances between them. Additionally, 2D regions of interest can be transformed into 3D views, yielding 3D measurement results.


National Biotechnology Research Park, Building A, 5th Floor, Room 506

Contact Information

Dr. Li-Wen Lo

Email: llw@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Phone: +886-2-7750-5554 or +886-2-7750-5556